Thursday, April 10, 2014


The beginning of the New World is linked to “Shiva Jayanti”, which is the birthday of God Shiva who is incorporeal and beyond the cycle of birth and rebirth; who is Supreme Father of all souls, and who does not have any father or mother. What a paradox indeed!
Still, Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumars, the world over are celebrating “ Trimurti Shiva Jayanti” on the day of “Shiva Ratri”. This being the 14th darkest night of Phalgun, the last month of the Hindu calendar. Why the advent of Shiva is traditionally celebrated as “Shivaratri” and not as Shiva Jayanti? What is the significance of the word “Ratri” (Night) and how is it associated with Shiva?
The word “Shiva” literally means benefactor of all. “Shivaratri” implies that Incorporeal God Shiva incarnates into the corporeal world at such a time of human history, when the night of utter darkness prevails. The word “ratri” here does not connote the darkness that falls after sunset, but it signifies the darkness of extreme ignorance and unrighteousness in the world.
This is why Shivartri is celebrated on the 14th darkest night of the dark phase of moon, a night before Amavasya or new moon. The month of Phalgun, being the last month of Hindu calendar signifies that God Shiva’s advent takes place at the end of the eternal cycle (kalpa) of human his- tory. Shiva’s descent, a night before Amavasya, implies that His incarnation takes place a few years before the end of Iron Age when the world is under the spell of extreme darkness of ignorance, unrighteousness, moral turpitude, spiritual lassitude and religious decrepitude. God Shiva, being incorporeal and beyond the cycle of birth and rebirth, and being the Supreme Father of all souls, does not have any father or mother; He being self- existent, the advent of Shiva is traditionally celebrated as “Shivaratri”, and not as ‘‘Shiva Jayanti.’’
The word “Trimurti Shiva Jayanti” signifies that Shiva, the Incorporeal Supreme Father, is the Creator of the subtle deities - Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar - through whom God carries out His three Supreme Acts of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction, respectively. Since we are celebrating the “Trimurti Shiva Jayanti”, we know that Incorporeal God Shiva descended to the corporeal world in 1937, and with His incarnation, He created “Tridevas”: Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar simultaneously. What a wonder, the Creator and His creation are born together! It is evident that the three subtle deities represent the three functional titles of one and the same Soul whom the Supreme Soul adopts as His consort.
The male body of this soul was over 60 years old at the time of adoption. This soul was having the experience of 83 births in this kalpa or cycle of the eternal World Drama. With the entry of the Incorporeal Supreme Soul into his body, the person called Dada Lekhraj is renamed as “Prajapita Brahma” signifying the beginning of the 84th birth of this soul, in the 83rd body. This is how Brahma happens to be the only deity shown to be an aged, bearded person in the Hindu scriptures. God Shiva, the Supreme Teacher trains Brahma in the three faculties of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction. Thus, Brahma’s soul attains simultaneous triple graduation in the faculties of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction.
Being the Master Creator, Prajapita Brahma performs the role of Spiritual father to his mouth-born children, the Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumars. It is said, in scriptures, that Brahma creates a new world through the power of thought. In fact, what Brahma does is to practice the Supreme Direction of God Shiva: “Manmanabhava - Madhyajibhava” which means constantly remembering the Supreme Father and the inheritance of Golden-Aged world sovereignty. This practice enables him to create clear vision of the new world for himself as well as for his mouth-born children. It is through positive thought-vibrations of Brahma and his children that the sapling of the new Kalpa Tree (human family- tree) is generated during the Confluence Age. In this way, the act of creation or generation is in fact an act of regeneration or rejuvenation of the human souls by changing their vicious sanskars into divine sanskars. Prajapita Brahma and Jagadamba Saraswati, play the role of Adi Dev and Adi Devi transforming themselves and their spiritual children to the status of devi-devatas (deities) of the Golden Age. This period of transition from Iron Age to Golden Age, from hell to heaven is the most auspicious period in the whole Kalpa which repeats identically every 5000 years, as revealed by God Shiva.
Brahma, the corporeal medium of Shiva plays the role of Master Sustainer; simultaneously by giving the sustenance of a mother and father to his mouth-born children. The subtle deity Vishnu is depicted as four-armed and holding four ornaments representing the four subjects: Knowledge (discus), Service (conch), inculcation of divine virtues (lotus) and Yoga (mace). As Brahma excels in all these four subjects, he represents the subtle deity Vishnu at the functional level during the Confluence Age. The same soul plays the role of Shri Narayan, the world sovereign in Golden Age, as revealed by God Shiva.
Side by side, Brahma plays the role of the subtle deity, Shankar who is responsible for the destruction of the old, vicious world. Shankar is shown to be naked signifying the soul-conscious stage which Brahma attains him-self and also helps his children to do the same. The third eye of Shankar represents the spiritual knowledge and Brahma becomes an embodiment of the same. Shankar is depicted to be anointed with ashes, signifying his asceticism which Brahma has clearly demonstrated. The garlands of snakes adorning Shankar represent the transformation of vices into virtues, and this Brahma have not only achieved himself, but also helps his children to do likewise. Shankar is shown to be in deep meditation which Brahma and his mouth-born children practice to achieve self-transformation and world- transformation which means destruction of the vicious world of Iron Age, to make way for the virtuous world of Golden Age.
We can now appreciate how God Shiva performs His three Supreme Acts of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction simultaneously through the subtle deities: Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar using His consort, Prajapita Brahma as the instrument.


A befitting way to celebrate the Trimurti Shiva Jayanti is to have a firm resolve to emulate Prajapita Brahma by becoming an embodiment of gyan, yoga and virtues, and to have an unending enthusiasm to convey God Shiva’s message to each and every soul so that no soul remains deprived of the God-Fatherly inheritance of liberation (mukti) and fruition or liberation in life (Jevan Mukti).
Further more, we have to surrender all the vices in us to Shiva, and not simply offer the wild flowers ‘Ak’ and ‘Dhatura’, which are poisonous and are symbolic of the vices in us. We must treat the whole of Confluence Age as Shiva-ratri, and we have to keep awake and vigilant to follow the Supreme Guidance of God Shiva during the entire Confluence Age, and not merely keep awake and observe celibacy for one night. By understanding and following Shiva in this way, we will be blessed with the treasures of peace, purity and joy.
We must tell our brothers and sisters belonging to other faiths that they should also follow the Supreme directions of God-Father, whom their respective, prophets represented and worshipped. Let everyone understand that by observing this Shivaratri, the Shiva Jayanti in an appropriate manner as explained above, one can ensure one’s place in the forthcoming Golden Age, a glimpse of which is given below:
The Golden Age marks the beginning of a New World Order wherein there is a hierarchical society based on divine virtues, each one playing the role to which its qualities are best suited. Everything in this world is at its highest stage of purity and beauty. Everything needed is in abundance, there being no shortage and misery. The science here comprehends and harnesses the forces that govern this planet without destroying or polluting the environment. Love is the universal law there. The collective actions there bring in complete harmony in the social fabric. Men and women here are absolute masters of their mind, body and environment. Their bodies being made of pure elements, and the hormonal systems being different, enable reproduction without sexual union. Hence, procreation there is not motivated by ego, lust or attachment. The society runs smoothly because all are in tune with nature and each other, there being no thought of competition. Family life is in perfect unity because relationships are based on mutual respect and equality. The rulers in the kingdom of heaven treat their subjects as their own progeny. They do not need any ministers or advisors be- cause of their wisdom and divinity. There is neither enforced authority nor submissive subordination.

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